How would you reply to me if I told entrances check, localisation services or information exchange are no more at click, but automatic?
For a few years we have been hearing talking about NFC that is Near Field Communication. It is a technology which is a set of communication protocols that enables two electronic devices, one of which is usually a portable device such as a smartphone, to establish communication by bringing them within 4 cm (1.6 in) of each other. NFC uses the magnetic induction, which is produced between the reader and the tag, suppling the data transfer.
Ok, but how can this technology help me?
Easy one: NFC cards can be set up for every needs of yours both electronicals and graphic. Size, shape, layout and memory can be customised. A very common way to use these badges is as business card. You can watch all information you want behind a simple card, going beyond the classical functions of a “normal” business card. Go beyond the look of the simplest thing to grab every single aspect these badges hide. NFC technology is not just used for business cards, but also for enabling entrances for expos, pools and fitness clubs. For example it has covered for the “classical” key in the hotels.
Our NFC cards go from the simplier and classical, neutral white or color printing to 3D ones and with LED integrated. Both Cards and NFC badges carry out their task even in their simpliness and aesthtic richness: contain every needed information for whom uses them and transfer all of them as quickly as possible.